Arequipa is an old and very traditional city, and its people are very proud of that tradition. Catholicism is the dominant religion and is deeply rooted in the heart of the Arequipeño tradition. It is deep-rooted, influencing every aspect of their lives. Their religious practices seek to "establish their own righteousness" (Romans 10:2-3) instead of relying solely on the saving power of Jesus Christ. There is a desperate need for the truth of the Gospel in this community.
The city itself is changing, however. Malls are replacing traditional markets; more and more cars fill the streets; the internet has paved the way for new information and ideas to come to this traditional city. The typical Arequipeñan is proud of his roots, but more and more is open to new and modern ideas.
"The world lives in a time of crisis. Christians alone are in a position to rescue the perishing. We dare not settle down to try to live as if things were normal."
-A.W. Tozer
Our ultimate ministry goal is not to establish and pastor a church. 2 Timothy 2:2 tells us to take what we have learned and teach it to other faithful witnesses who will, in turn, do the same themselves. God has not called us to pastor a congregation of Peruvians; His goal for us is to train faithful Christian men and women of Peru to do the "work of the ministry," to go and make disciples all nations, starting with Peru.
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) calls us to "Go... make disciples of all nations." What does this look like? A disciple of Christ is someone who, having entered into a saving relationship with Him through faith, is now actively seeking to become like Him through the study and assimilation of His teaching and the imitation of His person.1 How do we plan to accomplish this?
We must be disciples ourselves. We need to model, for future believers, what it looks like to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.
We must teach the "whole counsel" of God. Teaching others to follow Christ necessitates teaching the words of Christ. How else can they follow that which they do not know?
We must do this within their culture. The New Testament tells us time after time of how the saving truth of the Gospel was brought to people. This is why we are students of the language and the culture; we cannot effectively reach a Spanish-speaking people if we cannot communicate with them in their heart language. This is why we seek opportunities to become a part of the lives of Peruvians; the Gospel has the power to change their lives and their eternity, but not if it doesn't reach them where they are.
The Word of God is clear, we are to preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15). And what is the Gospel? Jesus Christ died for our sins, according to Scripture, was buried, and rose from the dead the third day, according to Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
This is the foundation of what we will do. While we want to see Peruvian lives improved, the most fundamental problem to be solved is the problem of sin. "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, but lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36) Jesus provided the payment for our sins. If we, as missionaries, fail to start with this foundation, we will be mismanaging God's resources. The Apostle Paul said "Woe unto me if I do not preach the Gospel." (1 Corinthians 9:16)
"The Gospel is only good news
if it gets there in time."
-Carl F.H. Henry
"The end goal of missions is... making disciples! Therefore, regardless of our zeal or sacrifice, our work on the mission field will prove to be little more than hay, wood and stubble if we are not endeavoring to accomplish the task for which we were sent - the making of disciples.""
-Paul Washer
"Some want to live within the sound
of church or chapel bell:
I want to run a rescue shop
within a yard of hell."
-C.T. Studd
"And the things you have heard me say
in the presence ofmany witnesses
entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.""
-Paul the Apostle
We will be working as part of a team of missionaries. These are Christians who have proven themselves faithful in not only reaching the lost with the Good News of God's forgiveness in Christ, but also in the long, slow work of raising up men and women to lead within their own local churches.
​Jason and Sarah Sheets are church planters, working in Ciudad de Dios, a poor community in the north of our city.
Kyle and Erin Robb are working to take the Gospel to isolated communities in the mountains of Arequipa.