Do you want to stay informed of what the Lord is doing in southern Peru? Join our mailing list and we will keep you updated with regular emails, sharing with you both how the Lord is working and how you can keep this mission field in your prayers.
Not everyone is called to the mission field, but all Christians are called to reach the nations. A designated investment in the cause of Christ is a great way to begin a lifetime of faithful obedience to the Great Commission. These funds will enable to more easily accomplish different goals in the process of making disciples in Peru.
On the TEAM GIVE page, search for "Seth & Jessica Malec" or "011629"
In the interest of being good stewards of God's resources, we ask you to give through e-check, as credit card fees reduce your gift by 3.2%.
God's plan to reach the nations with the Gospel is a long-term plan; it involves all Christians everywhere.
Many Christians we talk with are serving God right where they are, yet they want to do more. A long-term commitment to the spread of the Gospel in southern Peru is one way to do more. Our family is planning on serving here for the long-haul; we are asking you to faithfully join our Financial Support Team.
On the TEAM GIVE page, search for "Seth & Jessica Malec" or "011629"
We are excited to launch out into this ministry to which God has called us. But, as you know, for us to go, there is a cost. We are asking you to consider investing in the spread of the Gospel by supporting us as we minister in southern Peru. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
TEAM is a tax exempt nonprofit organization under 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code; we are qualified to receive tax deductible donations and all donations to us are tax deductible.